Revival is Refreshment


We often hear the word revival , but we might wonder what revival is exactly. I think we overly mystify this word and don’t necessarily understand its actual meaning. For instance, when someone buys an old car from the junkyard, does bodywork on it, repaints it, adds new tires and wheels, and puts in a new engine, that is a restoration. When you see it rolling down the road, you can’t believe it’s the same car.

Or if you have a plant that’s withering, but it comes back to life again after you’ve watered it, that is a restoration as well. 

Revival takes place when  people come back to life again because they are refreshed. They have been refilled and restored to their original condition.

And what is the original condition? It’s the same condition as the church of the first century, the church of the book of Acts. It’s the church that turned their world upside down. 

“Turn us again to yourself, O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved.”

—Psalm 80:19

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