Obey Without Hesitation


Lord I Will Continue

To Obey Without Hesitation

Oscar Smith


"So Noah did everything as the Lord commanded him."

So God says Oscar, "In the past season, you have felt like a ship without a rudder, tossed to and fro by the waves – no sun in the sky, no land in sight. But I am blowing wind across the earth that will make the waters recede; and it will stop the rains from falling, and you will find yourself resting on solid ground. Just as Noah's ark rested on Mount Ararat, you are coming to your place of rest.

And as you patiently wait for the waters to dry up, and the land to be exposed, I will use this time of waiting and transitioning to prepare you for the new.

"I will fill you with knowledge and strategies, and I will show you things you've never seen or heard of before.

I will give you a new lease on life as you learn to do things differently and make bold decisions purely based on My directions!

"Just as I instructed Noah on how and when to build the ark, and he obeyed without hesitation, I am going to give you specific instructions on how, what and when to build that which I have called you to build upon the earth in this new era of REVIVAL here in Charleston, South Carolina. You will succeed because your eyes are set on Me; your heart's desire is to please Me.

You have not defiled yourself with what the world offers. You have remained holy and pure in My sight.


To You Goes All The Glory Lord.

Your Servant, Oscar Smith

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