A Supernatural Confrontation


So glad we can be candid with each other. In my humble opinion having recently moved here to Charleston, SC. This region is strangled by one of the greatest strongholds in America where the civil war began, slavery, lynchings and other historic events. My limited realizations is many untoward things happened here that set this Nation on a wrong course.

We are in a season where the voice (what we listen to) is very important.

Hatred On Any Level Is

Not From God.

God actually showed me that a dissecting and reversing of these untoward events is coming to this region. We are going to see divine recovery, unprecedented forgiveness and unprecedented fellowship and a new path of supply of Godly Love beginning to be opened in the Charleston region that will impact

the whole world Hallelujah!

This is incredible that God would move me here and pour this level of prophetic insights in my lap.

If you would join with me and pray let’s tap into……

The Next Level God is Doing Now.

People get ready; we are about to see a greater level of anointing that will bring us into a supernatural realm where we can take back spiritual territory – where we can increase our divine assignments as God’s Family and move our world forward.

Father, I thank You for everyone who is hearing these words and giving themselves to pray for healing in this region.

I decree, right now, that as we intently listen to your still small voice we will be given a new supernatural opening of bridging the wounds and scars that have never been healed in our Nation. I decree a new alignment of the gifts of forgiveness resident within each of us. I decree that we will see what we have prophesied in the past manifest, and we will begin to see it moving into place and materializing before our very eyes. I say, faith will become sight this year. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Oscar Smith


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