You’re Important To Me


Every person with a vision from God will have serious opportunities to become discouraged as they reach for the fulfillment of their vision. Indeed, just as Israel was given a promise from God and provisions to help their return, so the Almighty has given promises and provisions to us. Your vision may be for your personal transformation, or it may be a God-inspired desire to see your family or church brought into spiritual renewal. You may even possess a citywide vision or a holy passion to see your nation turned toward God. Yet, like the Jews, we can be just as vulnerable to discouragement and its effects.

Well Oscar just how does discouragement gain access to our souls? The answer is simple: We start evaluating our lives based upon information compiled by our senses instead of assessing our position based upon the promise and help of God.

However, I don't mean we are unaware of the difficulties of our faith assignment, but that God is good and He is not hindered by our present limitations.

Discouragement comes when we only look at our circumstances without looking to the faithfulness and integrity of what God has promised.

Still, discouragement has infiltrated the minds of many. Knowing mankind's vulnerability to discouragement, Jesus taught His disciples a parable that, "at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart"


Oscar Smith

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