Charleston IMAGINE 1 Big C TV


Our local 1BigTV station is making many meaningful contributions and creating valued connections in a variety of beneficial ways here in Charleston, SC.

Fundraisers, food drives, coat give-aways, flood relief, town halls and special programs that expand on issues important to viewers like COVID-19 are just a few examples.

We are able to offer commercial-free special alerts and other interactive and conversational opportunities with a goal of helping our local viewers. We are dedicated to grow Access Charleston  with our powerful platform from which we can help start important conversations in this region which we serve. 1BigTV will be here to celebrate many local accomplishments that goes unnoticed in mainstream media. Access Charleston and 1BigTV working together brings to our viewship and subscribers to the next frontier of local TV viewing.

Our focus as local broadcasters is to give our viewers something compelling to watch that you can’t find anywhere else.

1Big "C" To See On TV

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