He’s The Owner


Glad you asked.

There are 3 classes of people…

Those who neither call Him Lord nor do the things He says.

Those who call Him Lord but do not do the things He says.

Those who call Him Lord and do the things He says.

Christ’s Lordship is based on His ownership. God didn’t have to put His signature on the corner of a sunrise; Nobody else is going to cause the sun to rise…He’s the owner. God didn’t have to put a laundry mark on the lapel of a meadow…He’s the owner. God didn’t have to carve His initials on the side of the mountain…He’s the owner. God didn’t have to put a brand on the cattle of a thousand hills…He’s the owner. God didn’t even have to take out a copyright on the songs that the birds sing…He’s the owner!

My friends…

He’s the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.

He’s the God of the future and the God of the past.

And we rise to speak His Name again and again… Jesus…Jesus

He is Jesus…He is for us…and WE CAN TRUST HIM!

Oscar Smith


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