
Thankfully, part of walking in the newness of life means that we are new creations. Our old selves are gone, and we have new life (2 Corinthians 5:17). Having a new life means we have a new way of doing things. We walk differently, act differently, treat people differently and speak differently. The difference is that we are called to live a life of holiness with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our words can bring life because we have been transformed. Therefore, the way we speak to and interact with others has been transformed. It’s more than behavior modification, rather, our hearts have been completely renewed and with it our way of life. The way we encourage, challenge or speak truth overflows from what is happening in our hearts. If bitterness, anger, envy and jealously color your words, there is a bigger problem than the words you choose. But if your words are guided by love, grace, kindness, peace, mercy and joy, well that shows what is happening in your heart (Luke 6:45). I’m not saying you will say the right words all the time but take notice of the words you say. Are you consistently tearing down or building up the people around you?

The things that take root in our hearts are the very things that flow from our mouths. Be diligent in cultivating a heart of joy towards your boss; a heart of understanding and patience towards your spouse; a heart of grace towards your friend; and a heart of compassion and love towards your neighbor.

Let your heart and words mirror Jesus.

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