God Bless Charleston, SC


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Over the past 30 years it has been a huge investment made to deepen my personal online impact.

16 published books and over 976 Life & Fire Safety In The Home articles published worldwide.

Many with no mention of my name.

God has provided again and again. We never charged to train families how to practice home fire drills. In fact we paid for their dinners while they just had to listen as we showed them how quick a fire moves down the hallway at more than 90 miles a second.

For many unprepared family members being proactively prepared came to late.

As a CISM Chaplain trained by the

US Joint Armed Forces- Post 9-11 Task Force One of Forty Certified in The State of TN. This is my lifeblood. I’m literally on the front lines of the battle for our culture every day.

If you agree that an increasing God Believer culture is necessary please continue to support the outreach by purchasing some of my books.

You’re Appreciated. Thank You!

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