The Freedom To Let Go


These words are so simple but so complex. Three words that are so powerful. These words actually give us permission to let go of recent grudges. Festering hurts that keep us up at night. Some of us can’t say it even while reading this “I Forgive You,” and meanwhile they live in total bitterness. 
When someone hurts us, our natural response is to strike back. Rather than let go, we cling to our rocks of resentment, our boulders of bitterness. The result? We struggle under the weight of unforgiveness. Though we know God has called us to forgive others, we find ourselves asking: What if it hurts too much to forgive? What if the other person isn't sorry? How can I let someone off the hook for doing something so wrong?

I have  been there myself.  If you've been pinned down under forgiveness.
Please take time and share how you handled it. Subscribe Today!

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