God’s Got Our Backs



Whaleville, SC

A Marketplace Ministry

It’s a faith walk

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

In the Scripture, the life of a believer is compared to an eagle. It’s interesting that day after day, parent eagles sit on their eggs to keep them warm, unmoved by what’s not changing. They never feel the baby eaglets kick, and the eggs never grow any bigger. There’s no sign of life. But on day thirtyfive, suddenly the eaglet starts pecking on the shell and is hatched.

While you are waiting for a promise from God to happen, some things have to develop in the dark, in secret. God is bringing it all together in secret. You have to believe, even when there is no sign on the outside, that what’s inside is really alive. That promise God gave you, that egg so to speak, is not going to move or grow. You may not see any sign of life until suddenly the egg cracks open. God is saying, “Go sit on it. It’s still alive. Don’t let the circumstances fool you. Walk by faith and not by sight. Your day thirtyfive is coming!”

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