Stop! You Are Not Our Subscribers Any Longer


Your Subscription is always based on an exchange of value. As Editor my goal is to bring to you a betterment within each any every posting. My hope is that each one of you will understand every thing we do is to make this the obvious choice for a newsletter and we honor your valued time. 

We pray that the featured writings like our Whaleville, SC series  will come alive and you will start seeing, doing, operating, acting differently. I hope this marketplace ministry will have a powerful compound geometric impact on your family, friends and business associates as well. 

I'm talking to one of you at a time. Me talking to you. That is the level of respect each of our Readers deserve. There's something called the "YOU" attitude. Meaning to put the focus on YOU not ME. The more we refer to you, not me, the more powerful the communication in everything we do becomes.

Every single Reader of Access Charleston has the potential to dream bigger, reimagine what is done, and disrupt the status quo like we are aiming to do with cutting edge journalism. We actually have an awesome opportunity to create a  preeminent local- global newsletter that will soon be a big league player with local and national advertisers and sponsorships. Every business owner has the right to mine hidden opportunities and promote under-utilized assets in their core businesses that will throw off new revenue and profits, that is our ultimate game plan as well. So our goal is to value YOU As Our Readership!

Oscar Smith, Access Charleston

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