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We must know that God is unbeatable. In this
world some people may receive many blows, yet none takes
constant, daily blows as does God, but still His will has never been
overturned. What God had decided before man’s fall remained the
same even after sin came into the world. What yesterday He had
ordained stays the same today. He does not change. 

We are the many sons of God. Our destiny will be brought by God
into glory. Redemption does not alter God’s purpose; it instead
fulfills that purpose which creation had earlier failed to fulfill. God
had originally designed for man to have dominion and to rule over
the earth; but, alas, man fell. Nevertheless, not everything was
finished and done for because the first man had fallen. What God
could not obtain in the first man (Adam), He achieved in the second
man (Christ). Due to God’s determined will and purpose for man to
rule, regain the earth, and destroy Satan as one created (man) against
another created (Satan), there occurs the birth in Bethlehem. For God
will have a man to defeat His enemy. So the Lord Jesus now comes

In this whole world, there is one man who truly desires after God.
There is One who can truly say: “the prince of the world . . . hath
nothing in me” (John 14.30). In other words, in the Lord Jesus you
cannot find anything that belongs to the prince of the world—the
devil. Let us take note of the fact that the Lord Jesus came to the
world not to be God but to be man. For what God needs is a man. If
God in himself had wanted to deal with Satan, He could have done it
quickly and Satan could never have stood against it. But God did not
wish to do it himself. Instead He desired to have man deal with
Satan. He arranges to have a created being to deal with another
created being. But with the failure of the first man, the Lord Jesus
came forth to be the second man. He was tempted just like the rest of
mankind; and what He experienced was not any different from what
other men have experienced. Yet today this man has ascended to
heaven, this man has already seated himself at the right hand of God;
this man has already received glory.

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