Megalodon Faith: the truth about the largest faith shark that ever lived


The Megalodon Faith Shark Substantiates God’s Faith Facts Welcome to:

Whaleville, SC

Hebrews 11.1 speaks of the significance of faith. It is the only verse in the entire Bible which gives us a definition of faith: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen.” In other Bible versions there are a number of other renderings that have been given for the word translated here as “assurance,” since this is a most difficult word to translate from the original Greek into English. To be probably the most accurate, this word should be translated as “the giving of substance to”∗ or “substantiation,” which thus means that faith is the ability to substantiate a thing as factual. For example, in this hall where we are meeting, we have before us the shape of the lamp, the color of the wall, and the sound of the organ. How do we substantiate the shape and color and sound to make them real to us? That which can substantiate the existence of color is none other than our two eyes. Suppose there were a picture here also with beautiful colors such as green and red and yellow. These beautiful colors would need the eyes to make them real. If there were no eye, then however beautiful these colors are, nothing could make them real in our own personal experience. By the same token, though the sound of the organ is pleasant, it takes ears to show forth its reality. To one who is deaf, there is no way to substantiate the realness of the music. Neither the eyes nor the touch of the hand can substantiate the sound; only the ears can substantiate the sound and make it enjoyable. Then, too, the shape of a thing may be square, round, plane, triangular or curved; its fact is only to be known either by the touch of the hand or by the sight of the eye. So that the existence of a thing is one matter while the substantiating of it is quite another. There are numerous things in the physical world, but every one of them needs some ability to prove its reality. In the spiritual realm, this ability is what faith is.

Faith Is Not Hoping
Faith Is Not Feeling

What God has spoken is most trustworthy. We do not believe or trust in our experiences or feelings, but we do believe in the word of God. God says that the Lord Jesus not only died on the cross to be our righteousness but He now lives in us to be our sanctification. Therefore, we may not only say Christ is our righteousness but also say Christ is our sanctification. It is not that we feel that Christ is our life and sanctification, but that we believe He is our life and sanctification. God says Christ is our life, so we too say Christ is our life. God declares that Christ is our sanctification, therefore we also declare that Christ is our sanctification. God asserts that Christ is our victory, and hence we too assert that Christ is our victory. God says it, so we believe it.

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