Whaleville, SC City of Boasted Weaknesses


Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Cor. 12.9). This passage reflects the fact that we must not only confess we are weak and powerless and hopeless but also rejoice in our weaknesses and powerlessness and hopelessness. Does it say we should weep for our weakness? No, instead of weeping we are to rejoice; yet not only to rejoice but even to glory and to boast! The world sighs over its own weaknesses, but overcomers in Christ glory in their weaknesses because of their faith.

Do you sense weaknesses and failures in your life? These are profitable to you since they can help you to overcome.
Impossible with Man but Possible with God
In Luke 18, we saw the impossibility of something being done in a young man. In Luke 19, however, we see that in Zacchaeus it was made possible: “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have wrongfully exacted aught of any man, I restore fourfold” (v.8). He was able to do all this at once. What was impossible with the young man was made possible in Zacchaeus. Hence Luke 18 shows us that with men it is impossible; whereas Luke 19 shows us that with God all things are possible. In Luke 18 the young man was unable but in Luke 19 the old man was able. In Luke 18 the Lord spoke to the young man who could not hear. In Luke 19 the Lord said nothing, yet the old man believed. It was impossible with the young man because he did not believe that God is able. Salvation came to the house of the old man for he had faith and was therefore a son of Abraham indeed. All was done by God.
Let us thank and praise the Lord. To love, I cannot do; to be patient, I cannot be; to be humble, I cannot be; to be gentle, I cannot be. Yet where does God say in His word that you must do what you can do and must live as you have lived? On the contrary, He commands us to do what we cannot do and live as we have never lived before. Every morning I thank and praise God, because today He will do miracles. Every evening I thank and praise God for He has done miracles. Today He enables me to endure what I cannot endure; today He causes me to love what I cannot love. Today He makes me do what I cannot do and live in a manner in which I cannot live. Thank and praise Him, daily it is impossible with men, but daily it is possible with God. 

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