The Principle of the Whaleville, SC Life—a Gift, Not a Reward


In Whaleville, SC We Believe God’s Facts
The gospel of God tells us that He has given His Son to us. His Son has become righteousness, holiness and redemption (see 1 Cor. 1.30 mg.). Actually, we do not need to accept Him as our life in order to have Him share His perfection, patience and gentleness with us, because He already is our life. The Scriptures show us that Christ is our head (see Eph. 1.22, 4.15; Col. 1.18). Just as the head of a man feels and cares for and controls the body, so Christ is towards us who are Christians. We do not need to ask Him to be our head that we may be His body. Today He is the head, and we are members of His body. This is faith. Negatively, we have yielded; yet positively speaking, do we now believe that Christ is our head who is feeling, and caring for and controlling us? God’s word states that Christ is the head; do you believe that He is at present caring for you?
The word of God also reveals to us that Christ is the vine and we are the branches (see John 15.5). It is not that He will become our vine and we will become His branches. It is not that in the near future when our spiritual life is more advanced than it is now we will then become His branches and He will become our vine. We should bear
the fruit as He does. We should be filled with virtues as He is filled with virtues. For He has given his “sap”—that is to say, His life and fruit- producing power—to us. He is now already the trunk, and we are already His branches. He is presently supplying to us His life with His perfection and holiness and all virtues. Do we believe this? Do we believe that He now is our trunk and we are His branches?
When you believed Him as your Saviour, you were already perfectly joined to Him.

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