He had no fame, and He made no name for Himself. In a sense He was very hidden.


According to the sequence of history, Solomon came first and Jonah came later. Why then is Jonah mentioned first in Matthew? It is because Jonah typifies Christ as the crucified and resurrected One, and Solomon typifies Christ as the reigning One. 

After being resurrected, Christ is the King who reigns over the earth. Therefore, in history Solomon precedes Jonah, but in typology Jonah precedes Solomon. Matthew did not write according to history; he wrote according to revelation.

He selected facts and incidents and put them together to show us a revelation. The Lord Jesus is the unique sign. He is first the crucified, buried, and resurrected One. Then He is the reigning Christ. This is the sign for today. The crucified, buried, and resurrected Christ is now reigning. Because He is reigning, the kingdom is here. He is the greater Jonah, and He is also the greater Solomon.
For the kingdom life, this generation needs no other sign. We do not need miracles. We only need the unique sign—the crucified life, the buried life, and the resurrected life that has become the reigning life.

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